Saturday, December 02, 2006

Winter Wonderland

Snow domeThe recent midwest storm that made all the news this week dumped about 18" on us in town. It seems to be less (6" or so) out at the dome site, I guess because it's atop a ridge & doesn't get a lot of drifting, but it was still knee-deep along the bottoms at the west end of the property. The dome itself is quite snug, Mike has been checking to make sure the pipes aren't freezing or anything. It looks quite charming with a coating of snow along the top.


Anonymous said...

Looks lovely. Much like our dome in southwest Washington when we got about 6 inches of snow. We love living in our dome and it is very energy efficient. The only down side is we have needed to be creative with building bookcases on the exterior walls. Good luck

Annette Birch

Anonymous said...

Funnily enough when it snows here in western Washington the snow melts first where wooden members are and stays on the insulated areas for 3-4 days. We love the energy efficiency of the dome. We live in an all electric house and on a level pay plan our electric bill is $71 per month. I believe it is something to do with the shape.