Thursday, November 30, 2006

Googling the Dome

Dome Hill Farm... catchy name, huh?I like to goof around on Google Maps sometimes, see if it can zoom in close enough to see cars & stuff like that. OK, you knew I was a nerd already, right? The hybrid map/satellite imagery is particularly cool, but unfortunately, the satellite images are often a year or two out of date. Well, it's a big planet, I guess they get around to updating it as often as they can.

Anyway, I googled the dome site the other day, and behold! The dome now shows up! Or, at least, the basement walls do. The image must have been taken on a sunny day in late May or early June of last year, sometime between when the dome kit was delivered (you can see it stacked up between the structure & the road) and when the frame went up. I drew in the approximate property lines for the nine acres. The land is highest along the east side, and then slopes down to the west. There's also a little pond nestled into the trees in the northwest quadrant. (A bigger pond is just on the other side of the northwest corner.) To the west, a lightly wooded area between us & the nearest houses.

We're on the map! :-)


utenzi said...

That's neat as Hell. My house appears on Google maps but I don't have a picture of it in-process. That'd be great to have.

Congratulations on being "on the map", Kay!

Jen said...

I guess that makes me a nerd too. I love to jack around on google maps.